Site Pages

Site Page LibraryThe Site Pages menu link displays all your website pages, child pages are indented below their parent. Additional information relating to the page is shown to the right of the page name (in italics). 

To edit an existing page click the 'E' to the left of page that you wish to edit.

To delete a page click the red 'X'.
Note: If you cannot delete a page with child pages, these need to be reassigned first.

To create a new page click the 'Add Page' link located above the list of pages.

Creating and editing your website pages is comprised of two sections, Page Settings and Page Content.

Tip: When creating or editing pages it is helpful to have the Site Files library page open in a separate browser window or tab. This makes it easier to locate the links required for the files that you wish to add to your page.

Page Settings

Page SettingsThe top part of the website page creator / editor comprises of the following settings.

All of the settings can be changed within the edit mode making it easy to move pages around and reorder them as needed.

Page Content EditorPage Content Editor

This is where your website page is created / edited and uses one of the latest What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) content editors. 

You will need to use a modern website browser to edit your web pages. The page editor has been tested extensively on Safari & Firefox browsers (Mac & PC) but should not cause any problems with other modern browsers. 

The naming convention and imagery used is standard across most text editors and as a rule of thumb if the name/icon looks the same as your favourite text editor the function will be pretty similar.

However there are some editing functions specific to website page creation and these are explained in more detail below.

Note: When your website is commissioned the styles used for your website design (colours, fonts, etc.) will be replicated within your WYSIWYG content editing window.

To add a new page or save your changes click the button at the bottom of the page.

WYSIWYG Editor Controls

WYSIWYG ControlsThe WYSIWYG editor comprises of three rows of controls with the top row essentially repeating / grouping the controls in the second and third rows. Hovering your mouse over the icons on the second and third row briefly displays what the tool is in a popup notification.

As with usual text editors either select the options you want before you start typing or highlight the text that you wish to change.

Text editing is largely on the second (middle) row. Under the Formats > Headings control you can select the site-wide font heading styles. To ensure that your website pages will be shown correctly and consistently across all website browsers only a limited number of fonts are available for use, these are available from the Front Family menu.

If you wish to override the website main style or not use one of the standard headings you can set the font size using the Font Sizes menu.

The lower row of controls are grouped as follows.

Lower Controls 1
  • Print
  • Preview
  • Fullscreen
Lower Controls 2
  • Insert / edit link
  • Remove link
  • Page anchor
To use these select the text that you wish to use first.
Lower Controls 3
  • Insert / edit image
  • Insert / edit video
Clicking these icons opens a pop up window with options specific to the requirements of the control chosen.
Lower Controls 4
  • Text colour
  • Background colour
To use these select the text that you wish to use first.
Lower Controls 5
  • Add Emoticons
  • Special Character
  • Horizontal line

As you use the WYSIWYG editor additional functions will automatically be triggered and it will attempt to help you as you create / edit your website page.

Tip: Try right clicking in the editor pane to open edition menus.

However, all newly commissioned websites come with full training on how to build your website pages and ongoing email support if you get stuck smile